The Right Balance for Men Between Being Mysterious and Creepy
Do you want to be a tasty little thing for any girl? The man girls want to get in touch with, the one they discuss with their friends and can’t wait to meet again. To appear that kind of guy, you need to become mysterious first. There is a fine line between being mysterious and creepy, so today, we will share with you the top tips on how to avoid failure when trying to be mysterious.
Tip #1. Be spontaneous
Forget about checking schedules and finding the best options for both of you. Arrange meetings spontaneously and make offers that your crush won’t be able to refuse. The best way is to call her and let her know that you have an incredible surprise for her and she needs to be ready to go somewhere with you in an hour or two.

That will make her excited, that’s for sure. Of course, you should arrange a meeting with your girl for the end of her working day.
Tip #2. Talk less = be mysterious
If you don’t have enough funny life stories from your past to tell your new crush, then don’t tell her anything. Conversations about work, college life, or exes can be boring so instead of trying to spin topics for conversations out of nothing, ask her to tell you more about her.

That is the way to make your girlfriend attached to you and show off your interest in her at the same time.
Tip #3. Create a scenario for your date in advance
The first stage of relationships is all about entertainment. You need to keep your crush excited, change the flow of your meetings, choose interesting places to visit together, etc.

Your new girlfriend will love the fact she can’t predict the next place you will take her to.
Tip #4. Be slightly difficult to access
Most girls fall in love with guys that are hardly accessible. The best way to become elusive is to turn off your phone from time to time and don’t chat with her during the day.

That will make her still nervous, wanting to meet you even more. You should not disappear for days but make her wait for your response for a few hours. That’s how mysterious guys act.
Tip #5. Experiment with your style
It is not only guys that enjoy their girls wearing different stylish and sexy outfits. Girls appreciate guys that wear trendy clothes and think over their outfits as well.

Pick clothes that seem appropriate for a place that you are about to go but don’t be afraid to go for some extraordinary decisions when creating a look for your date.
Tip #6. Diversify your sex life
It often happens when a couple finds the most convenient ways and places to have sex but that is the way to make your sex life boring and predictable.

Go for new poses, outfits, scenarios from time to time. Also, learn more about female pleasure and implement your knowledge into your sex life. Most girls adore long foreplays so make her beg for you to put her pantie down. Or perhaps you may consider the 3rd one.
Tip #7. Be attentive to her anyway
It depends on your girlfriend’s personality which method or tip to use when trying to be interesting.

Keep in mind her preference and desire even if you are the most mysterious guy as the main goal for you is to make her fall for you.
For Consideration
There is no specific list of what a guy should be. Each girl chooses her ideal man, adhering to her preferences and habits. One loves seriousness and prudence, the other does not see a loved one without a sense of humor. He has the character traits to be a good husband and father.
Every girl is different and each one has an image of the one and only guy according to her needs and preferences. Hence, it is important to be the person that is ready to compromise. The one thing we know for sure is that most girls appreciate a spotless sense of humor.
Few More Tips to be Mysterious
Also, girls tend to pay attention to your solvency, so dates in the park won’t work forever. You need to demonstrate your ability to be a breadwinner. So she considers you as a potential husband and father.
Unfortunately, women don’t feel 100% safe these days and they never did. It is highly important to feel safe by a man’s side and know he is ready to protect her if anything happens. Work on your physical shape, as it helps both, your appearance and your ability to keep your girlfriend safe.
You need to have a plan for life. Being mysterious doesn’t mean you should mess with your girlfriend’s head. You need to clarify if you want to remain in serious relationships or simply want to hang out and have fun together. Respect the time of yours and your girlfriend.Girls tend to ask a beloved man for advice whenever they have some issues. So, your crush will appreciate a man that is able to make decisions quickly and isn’t afraid to take responsibility. Smart is the new sexy they say, so don’t forget to improve your trouble solving ability in order to create an environment of reliability and trust within your relationships.
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