Dating Younger Men. 10 Scientific Reasons: Pros & Cons
Let’s find out whether relationships with younger men are beneficial to women or not. Is dating younger men a good idea at all?
Some say age is more of a hindrance than a help. Psychologists believe that a younger lover is the one that is 8 years younger than a woman and more. There are lots of reasons for such couples to exist, such as the personal characteristics of both partners.
Psychological Aspects of Dating Younger Men
Most men that prefer dating older women were raised by a single mother and surrounded by hyper-care and attention. Although, it is not uncommon for men who had experienced a lack of a mother’s attention in their childhood to be offset by dating mature women.

Women that prefer dating younger men seem to have their peculiarities. They are either extremely self-confident women and believe they deserve to enjoy the body of a younger lover or strongly notorious women who are flattered by the attention of a young guy.
Women who enter into such a relationship are also a special category. These are either extremely self-confident women – consumers who love a young body, or women tired of idleness and loneliness, or strongly notorious women who are flattered by the attention of younger guys.
Insecure mature ladies tend to succumb to euphoria and lose the ability to think straight. In the beginning, a woman is incredibly happy with the fact a younger guy finds her attractive enough to spend time with and gets attached to him emotionally. In case a younger liver breaks up with her there is a risk for a woman to fall into a severe depression that may cause a nervous breakdown.
Of course, the attention of younger men make older ladies feel flattered, but nice feelings don’t last for long. Once partners get used to each other the age difference becomes a serious problem for a woman.
Successful “Age Gap” Relationships
The success of relationships with a younger man often depends on how long the partners are together. Let’s say a woman is 35 years old, then relationships may become successful as she is still young enough. Moreover, it is a fertile age which might be important for family-oriented guys.
Make sure to check the article: What Is a Good Age Difference in a Relationship. It explains all the aspects of age difference in various situations.
It is a different story when a young and attractive woman still has worries regarding the fact she is older than her partner and questions the authenticity of his feelings towards her. No matter how self-sufficient a woman is as she will involuntarily cooper herself to younger rivals.
Some say it is the desire to profit at the expense of an older woman that is a love that pushes younger men to date mature ladies.
Younger men feel comfortable dating older women. Mature women are more grateful, caring, and experienced. It becomes an effortless task to start relationships with an older woman as she gets blinded by his attractiveness. In that case, a man believes that it is enough for successful relationships with a mature woman to let her enjoy his existence in her life.
In that case, the age difference doesn’t matter as much as a woman’s confidence and the way she perceives her man. Some women believe that the term “old” is applicable for a 40 years old woman. Such an attitude requires hard work to fix self-perception.
If both partners feel okay to date without the prospect of the marriage relationship can last for years until there is any discomfort, mental or physical, that will make them reconsider the feasibility of dating someone who is considerably older/younger than you.

By the way, according to Wikipedia in around 5% of all married couples in the USA wives are 5+ years older than husbands. So, as we can see quite often dating turns into a marriage.
There is a chance that age will push a young man away from a mature woman eventually. At a certain point, a man starts to notice the sagging skin and wrinkles that accompany aging. In addition, the woman’s behavior becomes more and more intrusive over time, which annoys a man. So that the lady starts to be jealous and be worried about her partner communicating with younger women. That will cause reasons for a break out eventually.
Another thing that might push a younger lover away from an older woman is her attempts to look younger than she is. Some mature ladies believe it is possible to look younger by wearing clothes that don’t match their age and start to create ridiculous looks. That may make a man embarrassed and sour him on visiting public places with his mature partner.
Pros and Cons of Dating Younger Men
The greatest disadvantages of dating younger men are are constant self-torture and psychological insecurity. “He doesn’t love me, I can’t have kids, he uses me to achieve his goals” – these thoughts make crazy mature ladies when dating younger men.
The pros are also obvious. The regular quality of sex and constant physical activity. Moreover, a woman is able to be fueled by the youth and energy of her young man.
Psychologists recommend all mature women try to think clearly when dating a younger man, look in a mirror to take an honest measure of themselves.
Remember that you can have a happy ending eventually. But that is possible for couples where partners are truly happy together, they are both self-sufficient, trust each other. In that case, there is nothing as age difference and other external circumstances that could ruin their relationships.
Any relationships require a strong desire to be together. Both partners need to respect the personal boundaries of a partner, learn to listen to each other, and compromise whenever misunderstanding takes place. To every woman that considers dating younger men, we would recommend going for it. You shouldn’t listen to what society says but what your heart tells you to do to become a happy, confident, and whole person.