How to Flirt with a Guy? 10+ Best Flirting Tips
Wondering how to catch any guy’s attention online or offline? Not surprisingly since modern women tend to take an initiative and start to flirt with a guy first. There are some flirting tips from dating experts. These will help any girl to flirt with a guy without being too obvious so she doesn’t scare him away with excessive persistence.
Man and woman have different perspectives on the same things. Guys often write short and simple messages whereas ladies fill their messages with hints and metaphors. Sometimes guys seem rude and not too interested in chatting, still, it is not always what it pretends to be. Check out the 6 best flirting tips on how to flirt with a guy by text.

1. Compliment his masculinity
Of course, you can compliment his appearance or intelligence, still, it can be too trivial and maybe rapidly forgotten. Be more specific with compliments, for instance, you can admire his big manly shoulders and ask if he does any special exercises to keep them that spectacular. Also, you can tell him that you love to walk with him as you feel safe by his side. Those are types of compliments any man will notice and appreciate.
2. Discuss common interest
The simplest way to catch a guy’s attention is to learn more about his hoppy. You can go to the gym together, try to cook Italian food, go for a run together, etc. Don’t forget to tell him about your hobbies as well, as there is a good chance she finds one of two activities interesting enough to try it with you. It is much easier to have a good match with a guy when using online dating services. On the VictoriyaClub website, you will find precisely filled profiles with important information about every user of the dating online community. It helps to filter out inappropriate candidates and spend quality time online with worthy guys only.
3. Don’t be pushy
It’s okay to seek more communication with a crush guy however you should respect personal boundaries even when chatting online. All-day-long chats are not for everyone. Some people need more time to process the information and to have some “me” time. Don’t be the one who starts a conversation every single time. Make him miss you a little bit.
4. Keep your profile nice and simple
A profile on a dating service can be too empty or too brimming with unnecessary information. To intrigue the right guy you need to find a balance and create an interesting profile that makes him want to know you better. Delete all the questionable photos. If you want to meet a guy as soon as possible you need to make a note of your intentions in your profile. That will help you and your potential partner to save time.
5. Be mysterious
Nothing too dramatic but a bit of innuendo won’t hurt. You need to show off your mood even if it’s different on different days. That will make you appear mysterious. Moreover, it will help him to realize that there is a real human being behind a screen that lives through different stages. Ask him silly questions if you want to, if he is truly interested in you then he won’t leave the chat but answer any of your questions even if some of them seem weird. But make sure to keep the right balance between being mysterious and creepy.
6. Use online tools
A guy won’t say a compliment and flirt with a girl he has no interest in. So, if you feel your text buddy flirts with you – it should be reciprocated. To flirt with a guy online using hot photos, sexy emojis, shared romantic movie screening would be perfect.
Your online flirting capacity depends on the platform you use. At VictoriyaClub, you can ask for professional assistance from dating experts that will help you to make gestures of affection online effectively.
7. When to go offline?
If you feel mutual interest there is no reason to procrastinate with the offline date. If your text-buddy is gorgeous, easygoing, and has a positive attitude, then you can choose the place and time for your meeting. A park, cinema, or a coffee place would work.
How to flirt with a guy in person?
Not sure how to flirt on your first offline date? Here are 5 tips on how to flirt with a guy in person.

1. Smile
Guys love positive women. Smiley girls spread happy vibes. It is especially pleasant to him if you smile and laugh with him or at his jokes. There is no need to be snooty with a guy you like as it won’t help you to win his favor.
2. Tell him nice things
If you like something about his appearance, attitude, lifestyle then don’t forget to express your admiration out loud. Treat him with warmth in your eyes and speak to him tenderly. That will make him get those goosebumps.
3. Keep eye contact
People say that eyes are the windows to a person’s soul. That is why it is so important to keep eye contact when you talk to someone you have a crush on. It allows you to build a strong connection between you too without even saying anything special.
4. Touch him
This is not only one of the most effective flirting techniques, but also the way to make a guy burst with desire. By touching him unexpectedly you make him feel more comfortable and confident. That will make him act more forcefully and make a positive impact on the development of your relationship that’s for sure.
5. Let him know that he is special
This trick will work only if a girl truly believes that the guy is special. You don’t need to say it but your facial impression, your smile, components, touches will make it for you.
Flirting is an art and we hope that the flirting tips from the article will help you to master it without breaking a sweat.
Make sure to also check the article: “Chat with Girls online: 3 best Places”.