20 Signs of Cheating Wife and How to Prevent Cheating
How to know if a wife is cheating on you? Any man can find out if cheating ever took place. We have prepared a list of signs of a cheating wife so you could evaluate her behavior and take further action.
20 Signs of Cheating Wife
According to Statista the most unfaithful countries with the highest cheating rate are: Thailand, Denmark, Italy, Germany and France.
Here are some commonly known signs that help to recognize a cheating wife.

- The first sign of a cheating wife that can jump out at you is when she cuts you out of her personal space. If she doesn’t let you use her phone or PC, there is a change she has something you shouldn’t see.
- When your wife, all of sudden, becomes very concerned about her appearance. If you see her doing perfect makeup or trying to get a round butt by working out hard, it might mean she tries to impress another guy.
- You have noticed your wife spending time with new girlfriends and hanging out with people you don’t know. It is especially dangerous if she doesn’t invite you. When she goes out, visits events gets home late. She might get annoyed when you try to figure out more about her new “posse” or, by contrast, talks about how she loves you and does her best to change the subject.
- Some women, after they got cheated on a husband, try to avoid contact with him. They may go and sleep on a couch and be reluctant to kiss you.
- When a wife becomes cold and uninterested in sex with you, that is a sign of cheating. She can make up stories of headache, go to bed late, get annoyed by your attempts to turn her on, etc. It is especially suspicious if it is the ovulation phase of the month as most women want sex during this period of the month.
- When she starts to respond harshly to your peculiarities, gets annoyed by your jokes, laughs, the way you hold a fork, it can mean that there is a man that holds a fork better than you and satisfies her a lot more than you.
- She starts to ignore your calls or makes “my battery went dead” stories. That is a sign that she needs some time to spend on her own or with someone else, and she doesn’t want you to disturb her.
- When she talks about a guy from work or university that you have never met and she tells you how cool he is, that you should take a page from him. That could mean she wants you to get jealous or she considers this guy as her potential lover.
- She becomes super-obsessed with her work, and she has a huge project to work on. She gets home late and doesn’t talk to you through details of a project she works on. That is another sign of a cheating wife.
- If your wife forbids you to meet her after work and meetings, there is a change she has someone that can bring her home instead of you.
- If your wife doesn’t care when you get late after work, that can mean that she doesn’t care for you at all as she has another man on her mind.
- She feels guilty because she pays no attention to you and suggests you to watch porn and have fun on your own. That is the sign your caress brings her no pleasure anymore.
- She has no interest in fighting with you. If you know, you both have different points of view on a subject, but she doesn’t try to uphold her position and agrees with you in the hope that this will help to wrap up your conversation.
- If your wife starts to kind of check you out pensively, maybe she compares you to her lover if she should stay with you or leave with him.
- You won’t deny a beloved person makes you smile every time you see one. If the smile disappeared from her face, you could tell her feelings went away.
- You can see changes in her body language. She doesn’t hug or touch you anymore. That may be because of guilt or a sense of revulsion.
- If she refuses to take you with her and hands out with your mutual friends with you, this may mean one of them knows about her affair, and that is the way she tries to protect you from figuring out the truth.
- When you see, she takes up lots of new weird hobbies, like swimming, dancing, pottery, and other activities she had no interest in, that may be a simple excuse to escape the house.
- She stops to ask for your advice/opinion and tries to minimize any communication with you for no particular reason.
- Intuition is a powerful instrument in terms of lie determination. If your intuition tells you that it is something wrong with your wife and relationships between you in general, that is probably true.
How to Prevent Cheating
Let’s talk through some tricks that could help you to prevent cheating and improve your relationships.
First of all, you should make sure she gets enough of your attention: give her flowers without any occasion, get her out on romantic dates, take her lunch to her favorite restaurant as a surprise to make her busy day better, etc.

Make sure you fully sexually satisfy your wife. Don’t be an egoist and educate yourself in terms of how a woman’s body works. Female orgasm requires time, effort, and interest.
By the way check an important article: What is a Good Age Difference. It helps to understand better how relationship develops with different age gaps.
Be there for her and provide support whenever she feels down. Make her feel safe by your side physically as well as mentally.
If you want to keep your family together, then you should do your best to listen and understand her needs. Chew on your attitudes towards her. There is a change she experiences a lack of your attention, tenderness, and common ground. Fix that if you truly want to prevent cheating.
Comment below if you also have some ideas about cheating signs and how to fix the relationship if this happens.